Method of Training
In Person
When Offered
Daytime Hours
Sponsor ID
Healing Therapy and Education (Apprenticeship Sponsor)
Training Location
1405 W Center Suite 104, Greenwood, , Camden, Arkansas
Local WIB
5035 - Western
31-9011.00Massage Therapists
Cost Items
Books (Estimated)
$300.00 Trail Guide to the Body. Principals of Massage Therapy and Bodywork. DVD How We Move: A& P of all systems.
Testing/Exam Fees
$475.00 $265 National test. $25 State Law Test Fee. $180 State Licensiing Fee
Graduation Fees
$100.00 School furnishes Dipolmas and Trarscripts
In-State Tuition
$5,500.00 Hands on and classroom instructions per curriculum of AR DoH
Out-of-State/District Tuition
Registration Fee
$111.25 Work permit per approval of AR DoH
Supplies/Materials/Hand Tools (not included in tuition)
$300.00 linens, lotion and oils plus gloves and mask for facial massage
Total Program Cost