This represent occupations with a wide range of characteristics which do not fit into one of the detailed O*NET-SOC occupations. O*NET data is not available for this type of title.
This represent occupations with a wide range of characteristics which do not fit into one of the detailed O*NET-SOC occupations. O*NET data is not available for this type of title.
Agriculture Business and Agricultural Sciences.
Students who desire a career in businesses that are involved in agriculture should pursue
a degree in agricultural business. This degre…
Provide social services to assist in rehabilitation of law offenders in custody or on probation or parole.
UAM’s Computer Information Systems program offers a bachelor’s degree designed to prepare students for immediate employment, career advancement, or future studies in the following fields: comput…’s English program offers a bachelor’s degree designed to prepare students for immediate employment, career advancement, or future studies in the following fields: teaching, archiving, copywr…’s biology program offers a bachelor’s degree designed to prepare students for immediate employment, career advancement, or future studies in the following fields: medicine, optometry, dentis…’s criminal justice program offers a bachelor’s degree designed to prepare students for immediate employment, career advancement, or future studies in the following fields: law enforcement, c…’s agriculture program offers a bachelor’s degree designed to prepare students for immediate employment, career advancement, or future studies in the following fields: crop consultant, farm/r…’s business administration program offers a bachelor’s degree designed to prepare students for immediate employment, career advancement, or future studies in the following fields: a graduate …’s Health and Physical Education program offers a bachelor’s degree designed to prepare students for immediate employment, career advancement, or future studies in the following fields: enter…