Credential(s) Offered
Industry certification, IHE Certificate of Completion, Employment, Measurable Skill Gain Leading to a Credential, Measurable Skill Gain Leading to Employment
Method of Delivery
Hybrid or blended
When offered
Daytime Hours, Evening Hours
Instructional Program (CIP)
The Certificate of Proficiency in Business Technology is designed for students enrolled in the Business
Technology program who wish to achieve marketable skills after one semester of study. The curriculum
has been developed for those individuals who desire to train, retrain, or upgrade their capabilities for
an occupation in a business domain. All students should have the opportunity to develop to their
highest potential in the best learning environment possible through guidance and instruction by
well-trained staff and hands-on applications using technology and equipment which duplicate, as nearly
as possible, those found in business offices.
Entrance Requirements
High School Diploma or Equivalent
WIOA Approved Program
Training Location(s)
Local WIB
5020 - North Central
Name of Credential
Certificate of Proficiency-Business Technology
Type of financial aid offered or have access to
Refund Policy
Is the proposed curriculum currently certified by an accrediting agency or similar national standardization program?
Is this proposed curriculum considered a nontraditional program of training services for women?
Is this proposed curriculum considered a nontraditional program of training services for men?
Cost Items
Total In-State Program Cost