Credential(s) Offered
IHE Certificate of Completion, Secondary school diploma, Employment, Measurable Skill Gain Leading to a Credential
Method of Delivery
Hybrid or blended
When offered
Daytime Hours, Evening Hours
Instructional Program (CIP)
NWACC's Child Advocacy Studies (CAST) program educates students, professionals, and the general public about all aspects of child abuse and neglect. By participating in CAST courses, you'll develop skills to effectively recognize child maltreatment, intervene and prevent child abuse.
CAST also provides training to professionals in social services, law enforcement, education, health professions and the justice system on how to respond to allegations of abuse.
Entrance Requirements
High School Diploma or Equivalent
NorthWest Arkansas Community College (NWACC)
WIOA Approved Program
Training Location(s)
One College Drive, Bentonville, Arkansas
Local WIB
5025 - Northwest
Name of Credential
Certificate of Proficiency in Child Advocacy Studies
Type of financial aid offered or have access to
Pell, Federal, State, Private
Refund Policy
Tuition and fee refunds will be issued to eligible students who drop their classes by the drop deadline, been dropped from a class, or a class has been canceled. See the Academic Calendar for the drop deadline for the current semester.
Is the proposed curriculum currently certified by an accrediting agency or similar national standardization program?
Yes - ADHE
Is this proposed curriculum considered a nontraditional program of training services for women?
Is this proposed curriculum considered a nontraditional program of training services for men?
Cost Items
Books (Estimated)
In-State Tuition
$1,500.00 In-district refers to someone living within the Bentonville/Rogers school district.
Out-of-State/District Tuition
$2,500.00 Out-of-District or Contiguous refers to someone living in Arkansas, but not within the Bentonville/Rogers school district. Students who are current residents in Adair and and Delaware counties in Oklahoma, and Barry and McDonald counties in Missouri. Out-of-State residents refers to someone who has not lived in Arkansas for six consecutive months prior to the first day of class but are citizens or legal residents of the U.S.
Total In-State Program Cost
Total Out-of-State Program Cost